Estimated Individual Costs
Updated for the 2024-25 program year
*All prices subject to change*
National dues: $85 per scout
Entitles the scout to membership in the national Scouting organization (BSA) for 12 months; covers insurance, program development, and support
For all scouts, this fee is paid directly to the BSA when submitting your membership application online
California Inland Empire Council dues: $70 per scout
Entitles the scout to membership in Pack 318 for the year; these dues go to the council’s operating budget for equipment and program delivery
Pay this fee online at with National registration
Scout Life magazine: $15 per subscription (optional)
This glossy print magazine is published monthly by the BSA and is sent to the scout’s home via U.S. mail; it covers topics of interest to scouts of all ages
Subscription to this magazine is optional; some scouts love it (especially for the jokes and comic strips), while others hardly ever look at it because it isn’t a screen
To subscribe to Scout Life, select to at it to your shopping cart when you pay your national dues each year (either as part of your initial online application process or when paying the annual dues as a renewing member)
Annual update to Class A uniform components: $21-$44 per scout
Several components of the Cub Scout ‘Class A’ uniform are differentiated to indicate rank and den membership and therefore need to be replaced annually:
Cap: $23
Neckerchief + slide: $13 + $8
Pack 318 asks scouts to wear either the official cap or official neckerchief; many scouts like to wear both but you can economize by getting whichever your scout likes to wear most (and are therefore is less likely to lose)
Uniform components can be purchased at the Rancho Army-Navy Store in Temecula, the Redlands Scout Shop, or online; see our Uniforms information page for details
Scout handbook: $13-24 (highly recommended)
Every rank (or grade level) has a printed book, called the Scout Handbook, that explains all the adventures, skills, and concepts necessary to earn the rank
Lions (grade K) and Tigers (1st grade) need their own copy of the handbook because it is used as a workbook during den meetings; all other ranks (2nd-5th grade) can get away with sharing a handbook with a friend or looking up rank requirements online, but it is better for each scout to have their own copy whenever possible
This year (2024) all Cub Scout ranks have a new edition of their respective handbook; the changes are so great that all previous editions will not be useful; if you find a previous edition, recycle it
Handbooks can be purchased at the Rancho Army-Navy Store, the Redlands Scout Shop, or online.
Pack t-shirt: $20
Also known as the “Class B” uniform; every scout should have one
Official Cub Scout belt, $15 (K-3rd grade required, 4th-5th grade recommended)
Every scout in grades K-3rd need the official blue Cub Scout web belt because it is used to show off the metal belt loops awarded whenever the scout complete adventures
Purchase at the Rancho Army-Navy Store, Scout Shop, or online; see our Uniforms information page for more details
Class A uniform shirt: $64-$83
Every scout needs a Class A uniform shirt with required patches
Official uniform shirt, $15 (Kindergarten), $33 blue (1st-4th grade)*, $50 tan (5th grade)
Required patches, $8 (K-3rd grade), $16 (4th-5th grade)
It is recommended to buy new Class A uniform shirts slightly large so that your scout can continue to wear it for several years
*Note: Fourth grade is a transition year from the blue uniform shirt to the tan one; if your 4th grader has a blue shirt that still fits, he/she should continue to wear it; if you are buying a new uniform shirt for a 4th grader, buy the tan one so that he/she can continue to wear it into 5th grade and beyond
Purchase the uniform at the local Rancho Army-Navy store, the Redlands Scout Shop, or online; see our Uniforms information page for more details about the Class A uniform and required patches
Camping & outdoors gear: varies
Gear requirements for Cub Scouts are relatively basic (see our Packing List page for details)
On Cub Scout campouts, each scout tents with his/her family; if there are important items (like sleeping bags or a tent) that your family does not already own, these items will need to be purchased or borrowed
Talk to your den leader or cub master for gear tips or help tracking down gear to borrow
Activity costs that our Pack participates in each year are not required. Most of these events include day trips and family camping weekends, often held ant BSA-owned properties in the region. During summer, both weeklong day camps and resident camps are available. Cub Scout shooting sports activities—such as BB guns, archery, and slingshot— are only offered at district or council events. We encourage families to sign up and participate. These events are usually a lot of fun!
Activities hosted by our Pack include activities such as the Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, and the Blue and Gold Banquet. While we as a Pack try to cover all costs for these events for our Scouts, there may be times when a small family fee will be required to cover some costs, such as food.
Activity fees are due when registering your family and/or Scout for each activity. The fees vary by activity, but typically range between $30-$95 per person.
*A refund policy for each event is available on the online store registration page when booking. Please note that most reservations become non-refundable within 30 days of the event.